3.Trophic cascade
Dear readers, Welcome back to the VOICEofप्रकृति ! (read : Voice of Prakriti) Now that we have pondered significantly on trophic levels, allow me to introduce you to the next intriguing topic - Trophic cascades. Trophic cascades are powerful, indirect interactions that can control entire ecosystems. Confused ? Let's discuss how. Firstly, let me introduce two variables that we’ll use from now on—'predator' and 'prey.' The predator is the one who hunts, and the prey is the one being hunted. Mostly, people sympathize with the prey. We often hoped the deer escapes being eaten in our favorite Jataka tales (animal stories often told in childhood), or we cheered for the defeat of the 'evil' tiger in The Jungle Book (humanized traits of tiger kept aside, predators are often portrayed as scary villains). Many would then believe life would be easier without predators right ?...